Commercial General Liability – Protects you against claims of Bodily Injury &/or Property Damage to third parties as a result of your photography operations. The standard limit is $1,000,000 per occurrence and a $2,000,000 aggregate. The standard limit will typically satisfy 95% of all permit and studio requirements however additional limits are available if necessary.
Camera Equipment – Provides coverage to your owned and rented camera, sound, lighting, grip and related equipment against physical damage such as fire, theft, or destruction. Reimbursement is on a replacement cost basis and coverage may be extended to Worldwide.
Office Contents – Provides coverage to office equipment, furniture, fixtures other than camera equipment insured above.
Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability – Provides bodily injury &/or property damage liability coverage to third parties for rented and hired vehicles.
Workers Compensation – Provides the legal statutory coverage for your employees and freelancers due to work related injury or illness. As owner of your business may elect to cover yourself for the statutory benefits which include medical expenses, loss of income, partial or total disability among other benefits. Even if you do not have an employee and you do not hire freelancer’s you may still be required to have Workers Compensation to rent a certain location or meet your Rep’s contractual requirement.
Production Insurance may be set up on a permanent basis or you may purchase a Short Term Production Package as needed. Typically if you insure 3 or more
Productions in a 12 month period a permanent policy would be more cost effective. Listed below are the standard coverage’s provided with Production Insurance:
Media, aka, Negative Film, Videotape, Faulty Stock, Camera & Processing
Provides coverage against physical damage or destruction to film, tape, disk or other medium device to store sounds or images by means of faulty materials, lighting, cameras, lenses, processing, and accidental exposure to light. Insurance limit should be equal to your shoot budget.
Extra Expense – Provides reimbursement for any out of pocket expenses incurred due to interruption, postponement or cancellation of the production as a result of loss, damage, or destruction of property or facilities contracted by you. Insurance limit should be equal to your shoot budget.
Props, Sets, & Wardrobe – Provides coverage against physical damage to any Props, Sets, & Wardrobe that you own or in your care due to theft, damage or destruction. Sub Limits apply to jewelry, furs, fine arts and antiques.
Third Party Property Damage – Provides coverage for property damage to locations in your care, custody and control such as a studio, or residential home used as a shoot location.
Professional Liability covers such things as unauthorized use of likeness, name, titles, character, ideas, disparagement of character, defamation, libel, slander, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement among other torts.
Why take chances and leave yourself exposed to a possible lengthy expense lawsuit.